DOE extends University PPPL contract

The U.S. Department of Energy announced March 15 that Princeton University will continue to manage and operate the DOE’s Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, located on Princeton University’s Forrestal Campus in Plainsboro, New Jersey. The extended contract, which runs through March 31, 2022, also highlights collaborations among the University, the lab and the DOE.

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‘She Roars’ podcast explores urgency of climate change with Lynn Loo, director of Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment

Engineering professor Lynn Loo, director of the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment, says the dangers of climate change are so pressing that it’s time for all hands on deck to decarbonize the U.S. and global economies. She praises the issue awareness behind legislation introduced in Congress to implement a “Green New Deal,” but stresses that solar and wind technologies, by themselves, are not yet sufficient to fuel the nation. “We’re always racing against time,” explains Loo. “The power sector has to decarbonize very, very, very quickly.”

Listen to the podcast here.

Graduate students explore the ethics of artificial intelligence

As artificial intelligence advances, the questions surrounding its use have become increasingly complex. To introduce students to the challenges the technology could present and to prepare them to engage in and lead conversations about its ethical use, the Graduate School this year is offering a Professional Learning Development Cohort titled “Ethics of AI.”

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Data science tool that reveals molecular causes of disease shows power in infant cancer analysis

Princeton University researchers are gaining new insights into the causes and characteristics of diseases by harnessing machine learning to analyze molecular patterns across hundreds of diseases simultaneously. Demonstrating a new tool now available to researchers worldwide, the team of computer scientists and biologists has already uncovered and experimentally confirmed previously unknown contributions of four genes to a rare form of cancer that primarily affects babies and young children.

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Visions for change: Sharing experiences of first-gen, low-income students

“1vyG” is the largest conference for first-generation and low-income (FLI) students in the nation. Princeton students organized the fifth annual gathering with the theme “From Moment to Movement: Capitalizing on Our FLI Experiences to Become Agents of Change in Our Communities.” More than 300 students and 150 administrators traveled from across the country to build community, share experiences and create visions for change.

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Courtney Banghart, Princeton women’s basketball head coach, ‘talks the walk’ on ‘She Roars’ podcast

Courtney Banghart, the women’s basketball head coach at Princeton, has two Ivy League degrees and a spot on Fortune Magazine’s 2015 list of 50 greatest leaders in the world. Despite these credentials and many others, Banghart tells “She Roars” podcast that none of that matters at game time: “What you do in terms of execution is win the day. It sounds so coach, but it’s really all you can do: win the day.”

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Princeton’s Month of Service emphasizes ‘coming together’

Organized by the University’s Pace Center for Civic Engagement, Month of Service offers staff, students, faculty and alumni the opportunity to serve together on campus and in the community. From Jan. 4 through Feb. 1, more than 275 staff, students and family members will have taken part in preparatory workshops, direct service opportunities and reflection together about their experiences.

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